Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Where Have I Been?

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Many months have passed since my last blog post. I didn’t just fall off the writing world radar, I plummeted into the abyss. Readers and fellow writers have reached out to me expressing concern or curiosity and received little or no response from me in return. I’ve been utterly incommunicado and for that, I’m sorry.

During that long stretch of time, I haven’t written much, either. Honestly, I have not written at all. I’ve wanted to, setting dates and deadlines for myself that come and go without me typing a single word. It’s a sin writers should never commit, yet I have. The reason for my sabbatical is a deeply personal one.

My marriage ended.

Now, before the obligatory “Ohhh, I’m sorry’s” begin rolling in, let me say this: my separation had been exceedingly amicable. After my ex and I finally sold our house, we purchased separates homes near one another for the sake of our kids. We hold no animosity toward one other and have handled the situation as best as two adults can. Our children are adjusting well to their new reality, spending equal time between mom and dad’s house. Is this the life I planned on having when I said “I do?” Of course not. But the best laid plans, blah, blah blah…

Initially, as this massive shift in my life was ongoing, it was impossible to concentrate on writing. When the urge to write began simmering again, I found myself afraid to reopen all my works in progress. It’s hard picking up something you left off six months ago, especially a mostly completed novel.

I’m here to say that I’ve finally done so.

My life is in a good place now. In recent months, I’ve been getting together my new house and exploring the neighborhood. After a bitter, are-you-freaking-kidding-me winter, nice weather and warm sun has finally arrived. Oh, and I’ve met a wonderful woman with whom I’m incredibly happy. All of this has contributed to me being ready for the writing bug to sink its mandibles into me.

I’ve begun edits on a big short story that I’ve allowed to languish for months. Once that’s complete, I shall resume finishing book three in the Children of the White Lions series (it’s 80% done). After that, I want to work on another project that I’ve been kicking around for well over a year.

The storm has cleared.

Good days ahead.

-- R.T.