Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Picture Is Worth...5526 Words?

I swear this will be my last post about this Kickstarter campaign, at least for a while. But this was too cool to let slip by.

With the repurposing of Time Traveled Tales, illustrations by Matt Slay have been included for every short. Matt is a heck of an artist, best known for his work for IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Comics and several Upper Deck Marvel projects. Until this project, I had never met nor spoken with Matt—still haven’t—nor had I seen his work. Yet here I am proclaiming that he’s a great artist.

You know why?

Because he read Market, my short story in Time Traveled Tales, and promptly nailed the illustration:

Nundle at his floundering stall in Deepwell

Many fans have shared with me that Nundle Babblebrook is their favorite character from the books. So, when I decided to write a number of short story prequels to the series, Nundle’s backstory (something I already had worked up as it comes into play in book three) was a natural place to start.

Market gives readers a peek into Nundle’s past, capturing the tomble at his lowest, right before his life took a sudden turn.

Check out the some of the other great illustrations (I love the one for My Faire Lady, Jean Rabe’s story) at the Kickstarter campaign. If you choose to back the effort, I’d suggest you take a close look at the following level:

At $20, you will receive a Limited Edition Challenge Coin, featuring one of Matt Slay's amazing illustrations from the anthology, plus the eBook edition of Time Traveled Tales. Additionally, you will get an email from one of the authors in the anthology personally thanking you for your contribution to this project.

The coins are awesome. Here are two of the designs that include the illustrations done for stories by Maxwell Alexander Drake and Donald Bingle. 


Take a moment to peruse the campaign or share it with those who might be interested.

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